Hi Don, There' s a little mistake in the Guitar Secrets Revealed book on Melodic Minor. You list the F melodic minor scale against G7 (page 22 Unit 8). The F mel. min. scale is said to have an E-flat in it; this is not true. This note has to be an E-natural. If you send me a manuscript of your new book on symmetrical scales, I'll do some proofreading for free ... :-) No offense, I' m writing my own material for my improvisation students and I know it's a lot of hard work. Best regards from The Netherlands, BearMaster.
Don Mock 2/17/2004 6:17 PM
Thanks, Bearmaster. I know about that mistake. I'm sure there's others in there too. Like you said, it's the nature of material like this to have a few mistakes. The worst one is in the Harmonic Minor book where the graphic guys at Warner showed the wrong scale pattern early in the book. That probably confused a lot of players.
Harmonic Minor Book Mistake:
This is a very big mistake, where on pages 6 and 7, A harmonic minor scale pattern #2 is duplicated as #3. The missing pattern is actually # 5. In the book, #3 should be deleted, #4 should be #3, and #5 should be #4. The missing pattern is up at the 13th fret. It starts with F at the 13th fret 6th string followed by G# and A on the 6th string. Then B at the 14th fret, C and D on the 5th string. On the 4th string play the E and F at the 14th and 15th frets. On the 3rd string play G# on the 13th, A-B-C on the 14th, 16th and 17th frets. Then D, 15th fret, 2nd string, and E and F on the 17th and 18th fret. The last two notes are on the 1st string and are G# at the 16th and A at the 17th fret. (thanks Dave)
When the time comes to re-print the books they will fix the mistakes, but that may take a long time.(They print A LOT of books in a print run to save money.) We're thinking about a page in this site to post mistakes like this for all our books. So keep looking. At least I know you are paying attention! I hope you check out the Symmetric Scales book. It should be out before summer. -Don Mock
Don Mock 2/21/2004 2:48 AM
There's a few more mistakes I should mention. There's a few places in the Melodic Minor book like page 20. A and E Harmonic Minor is shown as the titles of the examples. They of course should be A and E Melodic Minors. This happens a few times more times I think too. I happened because the layout people used the Harmonic Minor book (which I wrote first) as a templet for the Melodic Minor book. They just missed changing some of the "harmonics" to melodics." And sorry about the goofy photos of me being "Mr. Secret Agent Guitar Player Tells All Guy" Everyone gives me a bad time about the funny shots, but it was Warner's idea to help promote the book. We'll see what they put on the next one "Symmetric Scales Revealed.
-Don Mock
(Mastering the Dominant Chord) 8/26/2009
There's a small mistake on page 8. Right above Example 5, the sentence says "replacing the I, II, III, IV, VI and VI.(which should be VII, not VI)
There's a few small type-0's that have been spotted such as the two sub-titles on page 8. "Key of C Major: Diatonic Cycle of 5ths (not "or" 5ths).
Page 33 has misspelled "every," the 3rd word in "Dealing with Music Theory and the Blues."
Page 31.....the last paragraph, should say; "b5 substitute arpeggio (Gb9) the last time." Not (Ab9).
For Example 57, which is shown in 3/4, I demonstrated the chords in 4/4 on the audio (Track 35). -DM
Hi, thx for pointing out some mistakes, I was wondering. In fact, I fear you also made a mistake here at the "correction" of the harmonic minor 5th position.
ReplyDelete"Then D, 15th fret. 2nd string, and E and F on the 16th and 17th fret" I assume you meant 17th and 18th fret. Also you didn't tell the reference chord. Is it the one that goes like E - a - d - g - b - e => x - x - 14 - 16 - 15 - 16 ?
I hope I'm not too rude commenting on this, thank you for the great input with all of your lectures! I really appreciate them. greez from austria, Dave